Tense (8) Printable Worksheet

同形異義字 Homonyms
同形異義字 Homonyms
Tense (8)

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Name. ______________ Class ______________ Date ______________ Mark ______________

Questions - Tense (8)

Fill the blanks with Past Simple and Past Participle of the given verbs.

No. Infinitive Past Simple  Past Participle
1 set ___________________ ___________________ 
2 wear ___________________ ___________________ 
3 know ___________________ ___________________ 
4 stop ___________________ ___________________ 
5 say ___________________ ___________________ 
6 change ___________________ ___________________ 
7 die ___________________ ___________________ 
8 teach ___________________ ___________________ 
9 fight ___________________ ___________________ 
10 learn ___________________ ___________________ 
11 fly ___________________ ___________________ 
12 throw ___________________ ___________________ 
13 drive ___________________ ___________________ 

Answer. Tense (8)

No. Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning 
1 🔊 set set set 建立 
2 🔊 wear wore worn 穿 
3 🔊 know knew known 知道 
4 🔊 stop stopped stopped 停 
5 🔊 say said said 說 
6 🔊 change changed changed 穿 
7 🔊 die died died 死 
8 🔊 teach taught taught 教 
9 🔊 fight fought fought 搏鬥, 打鬥, 打架 
10 🔊 learn learnt / learned learnt / learned 學習 
11 🔊 fly flew flown 飛 
12 🔊 throw threw thrown 抛 
13 🔊 drive drove driven 駕駛 

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